رسول خدا (ص) فرمودند:
The messenger of Allah "Muhammad" (peace be upon him and his descendants) said:
زمین پر از ستم و دشمنی می شود وبه درستی مردی از اهل بیت من قیام خواهد کرد تا زمین را از عدل و داد پر کند چنانکه پر از دشمنی و ستم شده باشد.
The world will be full of oppression and hostility, and then definitely a man of my family (Ahl Ol Bait) will arise to fill the earth by justice as it is filled with oppression and hostility
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and ,the ,of ,زمین ,be ,دشمنی ,پر از ,and hostility ,oppression and ,and then ,hostility and
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